Monday, December 13, 2010


Greatness, Glory, Gold. A Pirate Named Gold Roger also known as the Pirate King has conquered this all. He was executed with an unknown reason but before he died he had revealed his last word about The legendary Treasure named One Piece which was hidden in the Grand Line. 22 years after his Death, A Pirate named Monkey D. Luffy appeared and has only one Goal, To Become the Next "Pirate King" and Find The Treasure "One Piece". This Start The Never Ending Adventure. Monkey D. Luffy, inspired by his childhood hero "Red-Haired" Shanks, sets out on a journey to find the legendary treasure One Piece, to become the new Pirate King, and after eating the devil's fruit gains the power to do so. To accomplish this, he must reach the end of the most deadly and dangerous ocean: The Grand Line. But first he must find a crew.
During the course of the story, the crew contend with both other less moral pirate crews and the Marines. The latter are the subordinates of the World Government, who seek justice by ending the Golden Age of Pirates. Many background story elements involve the delicate balance of power between the World Government and the world's most powerful pirate crews. Also, the Craziest Crew in the world .
i usedto watch the anime when i was young, but now i only read the manga.
i guess i like zoro because he is the coolest, loofy is just goofy. nami is good too.
one piece is one of the best shounen mangas that i know of.


  1. Goshh i used to watch this in Mexico!!! i need to finish watching im going to look for a source to watch it

  2. Lol i turned into an anime freak last year and i must say that now i am so distracted from my studies! what to do to concentrate
